Decoupling or Part Share – Wing Tai Holdings Singapore Wing Tai Holdings Singapore who specializes in helping both local and foreign buyers to source and purchase their dream home as well Property Sale and Property Management. Mon, 11 Sep 2023 02:51:06 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Decoupling or Part Share – Wing Tai Holdings Singapore 32 32 Decoupling or Part Share Fri, 28 Apr 2023 01:00:06 +0000 Decoupling or Part Share With the increase of ABSD in the new MAS cooling measures (27 April 2023), there will be greater savings when a singaporean couple to own a condo to do decoupling. Here is the highlights of a whopping S$384,900 Savings if you purchase the next property at S$2,000,000.   1.What is Part-Share Purchase/decoupling...

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Decoupling or Part Share

With the increase of ABSD in the new MAS cooling measures (27 April 2023), there will be greater savings when a singaporean couple to own a condo to do decoupling.

Here is the highlights of a whopping S$384,900 Savings if you purchase the next property at S$2,000,000.

decouple savings for singaporean buying 2nd property that owns a condo


1.What is Part-Share Purchase/decoupling about? – Decoupling or Part Share

a.The process of buying a share of an existing property between 2 or more parties.

b.Parties usually involved between spouses like Husband & Wife, Siblings, friends

2.Why conduct part-share purchase/decoupling? – Decoupling or Part Share

a.To provide a party the opportunity to own his/her 1st property in their own name.

b.Friends who have invested a property together back then decides to get married and purchase their 1st matrimonial home and not incur ABSD in the process.

c.Paying ABSD straight VS conducting of decoupling à Which will be cheaper?

d.Getting maximum loan entitlement, I.e. 75% for 1st property.

3.What needs to be taken into consideration when conducting part-share purchase/decoupling? – Decoupling or Part Share

a.Option to Purchase (OTP) / Sales & Purchase Agreement (S&P)

i.Purchaser to exercise to indicate formally they are purchasing the share.

b.Additional buyer’s Stamp Duties (ABSD) / Seller’s Stamp Duties (SSD)

i.Required to pay the 3% BSD within 14 days of exercising OTP/S&P.

ii.If at the point of purchasing share, client has more than 1 property, ABSD applies.

iii.If at point of purchasing share, client bought property less than 5 years, SSD applied.


i.Must repay whatever they use via CPF, back to CPF in cash.

d.Bank Loans

i.If property is encumbered, purchaser of share must do refinancing to takeover full remaining loan.

ii.Banks to check on buyer’s TDSR whether buyer capable of handling full loan purchase alone.

iii.3 months redemption period applies, so if client wants to complete fast, will incur interest by the bank.

e.Legal Fees

i.2 law firms to represent 1 seller and 1 buyer.

ii.Law firms to draft OTP/S&P

iii.Application of CPF

iv.Mortgage stamping fee and application documents to bank

4.How to transfer the share of an existing property? – Decoupling or Part Share

a.Step 1: Purchaser need to sign OTP/S&P agreement (Note: Timeline of 10-12 weeks for completion of part-share purchase/decoupling process)

b.Step 2: Purchaser to pay BSD (or ABSD/SSD if any), 14 days from exercising

c.Step 3: CPF will be repaid to seller upon completion, which is reflected in their CPF one(1) – four(4) weeks after completion

d.Step 4: Seller to take note of the following before doing the refinancing for the loans:

i.Breakage fees

ii.Clawback of subsidies like legal fees, insurance premiums

iii.Late payment charges if any

iv.Bank Redemption date

5.Practical illustration as follows (decoupling example):


Part share of 1st property as follows:

  • $1,000,000 current property value bought under joint Tenancy (Both Singaporean Citizens)
  • Therefore, Sale price of 50% share is $500,000.
  • Buyer’s Stamp Duty amount: $9,600 (Payable within 2 weeks of exercising of OTP/S&P)
  • Check if any Seller’s Stamp Duties incurred
  • Legal fees to act for both parties, est. $5,500
  • Therefore, total expenses = $15,100
  • *Note: CPF and bank loans needs to be repaid

New Property Purchased with Part-Share Purchase as follows:

  • E.g. $2,000,000 new property value
  • Buyer’s Stamp Duty amount: $69,600
  • Legal Fees: $3,000
  • Therefore, total expenses = $72,600
  • *Note: if use CPF, from completion date of 1st property have to wait 1-4 weeks to reflect in CPF account  + 2 – 4 weeks to disburse for new property again

Alternatively, for new property purchased WITHOUT part-Share Purchase:

  • E.g. $2,000,000 new property value
  • Buyer’s Stamp Duty amount: $69,600
  • Additional Buyer’s Stamp Duty (20% as SC) amount: $400,000
  • Legal Fees : $3,000
  • Therefore, total expenses = $472,600
  • *Note: May not get full 75% loan entitlement if 1st property is encumbered, min sum in CPF applicable as well


6.Anything special to take note of? (is decoupling good or bad)

a.Upon exercising S&P and paid total Stamp Duties, The seller (Already deemed to have indicated sold his sharecan actually proceed to sign new OTP to buy the new property, without waiting for the full completion.

b.Clients must be clear on whether they have enough cash in hand to:

i.Pay back their CPF used for current property or not?

ii.Capabilities to have refinancing on their own? (inclusive of all TDSR compliance)

iii.For 2nd property, if purchasing a new completed property, stamp duties to be paid solely by cash.

iv.For 2nd Property, if purchasing a new launch property (BUC), stamp duties can have a leeway to be paid by CPF, subjected to bank’s abilities to provide in time:

1.Bank Letter Offer

2.Letter of instructions

3.Valuation report

Otherwise, to pay via Cash.


Yes clients can reduce 95% of the time. provided that there is no loan.

It you are willing to be hands on. Here are the Steps.

  1. Paying off your CPF and accured interest used. What you need to do is going to CPF website, after log in singpass you can make payment via Internet Transfer. It is immediate. 

  2. Get Valuation Report by a independent Valuer . (1-2 weeks)                               
  3. Sign the Sales and Purchase Agreement (S & P) Fix an appointment with the Lawyer firm. (Do furnished the lawyer the required informtion for them to prepare the document before hand), 

Completing this 3 Steps, You are good to buy another property without paying Additional ABSD. Find out if you are eligible for ABSD Remission.

We do have clients who did the following to save time and save on some legal fees. Please check with your appointed lawyers to see how they charge. If you leave everything to the Lawyers the Cost of Decoupling can be $5500-$8000.

Generally we will recommended you to take out the name that can take a longer loan to buy the next property. 

If there is outstanding loan, It will takes around 10-12 Weeks.


No, You Cant if it is bought under a married couple whether Joint in Tenancy or Tenancy in Common.

If the owners are Siblings, Yes Can. If using CPF to buy over can just go to HDB Branch Office to do it. Dont need to pay Stamp duties.

If the owners are Siblings, Yes Can. If need to use Bank Loan, Will still need to do standard HDB procedure. Issue HDB OTP and doing the steps to apply HFE Application. In the HDB portal, you should state that the sellers and buyers are related. Stamp Duties is applicable.

 Yes.  You are only allowed to transfer ownership in an HDB flat to people in your immediate family, but they must meet specific eligibility conditions and requirements. In fact, the rules governing the transfer of ownership in HDB flats became more restrictive in 2016. Owners who want to give their ownership in an HDB flat to a family member can now only do so if one of six particular situations exist, including financial hardship and divorce.


With these, I hope that I had helped you to understand better on part-share purchase / decoupling process. Disclaimer above is a guide and interest party shall be referred to our prefer legal partners to assist you. At WING TAI HOLDINGS team we are here to make a decision and making sound property purchases with growth potential.


For more detailed discussion kindly contact us.

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4 Methods to Avoid Paying ABSD when Buying Condo in Singapore Mon, 28 Mar 2022 01:55:54 +0000 4 Methods to Avoid Paying ABSD when Buying Condo in Singapore (ABSD is ADDITIONAL BUYER STAMP DUTY)  How Proper Planning can help you save in paying Less ABSD, regardless of whether you’re a Singapore Citizen, PR, Or Foreigner. This is right for You.  With the recent cooling measures implemented, there was an increase in ABSD...

The post 4 Methods to Avoid Paying ABSD when Buying Condo in Singapore appeared first on Wing Tai Holdings Singapore.

4 Methods to Avoid Paying ABSD when Buying Condo in Singapore


Avoid Paying ABSD

How Proper Planning can help you save in paying Less ABSD, regardless of whether you’re a Singapore Citizen, PR, Or Foreigner. This is right for You. 

With the recent cooling measures implemented, there was an increase in ABSD with properties purchased on or after 16th Dec 2021. 

– For Singapore citizens, There is no need to pay any ABSD on their first property for Singapore citizens, but it will be 17% ABSD on their second property and 25% on their third or subsequent property purchase.

– For Singapore Permanent Residents need to pay 5% ABSD on their first property purchase, 25% per cent on their 2nd property and 30% for the third and subsequent purchase. 

– For Foreigners will need to pay 30% ABSD on all property purchases. 

– Lastly, Entities such as corporate companies will have to fork out 35% ABSD on all property purchases. 

So how should we Minimize the ABSD Cost that we need to pay in buying property LEGALLY?

You can kick start with these 4 methods: 

       Buying a property under single ownership so that the spouse can buy another under their own name.

– Although this topic is common, it’s straightforward, direct, and 100% guaranteed works. For example, husband and wife each purchase a property under their name. So legally, they can two properties without paying ABSD. Short & simple, right!

In the case of an HDB or Executive condominium, you can choose to list your spouse as an occupier instead of a co-owner. Once you fulfil the five years (MOP), the occupier can purchase a property.  

– However, in the eyes of the Law, only the listed owner has the legal obligation to pay the monthly mortgage. Therefore, you would have to plan ahead on the repayment and financial obligation and monthly bills for each party. 


For this to work please bear in mind:

– Only CPF Ordinary Account funds of the listed owner can be used.

– The sole owner must meet the income requirements to qualify for the home loan

– For brand new executive condominiums and HDB flats, the mortgage servicing ratio for loan repayments cannot exceed 30% of the sole borrower’s gross monthly income. 

– For private properties and resale executive condominiums, the home loan – plus all existing debt obligations – cannot exceed 55% of the sole borrower’s gross monthly income or what we call it the total debt servicing ratio. 

– If both spouses have a similar income, we will usually advise the younger spouse to hold the higher value property, which will help when it comes to refinancing options such as property gearing after two years of the purchase.


If you Already Owned a property under ( Joint Ownership or Tenancy in Common)  

You can buy over your spouse’s share and free up your name from the title deed, also known as Decoupling.


– Decoupling sounds like a big word, but simply, it is the removal of 1 owner from the property through the “buy out” by the other party. One co–owner buys or sells their share of ownership to the other co-owner(s).

So legally, only one owner in 1 title deed, only then they will be counted as a first-time homebuyer. 

Do note that Decoupling does not apply to HDB owners with effect from 4th May 2016 unless you have a special case to appeal to HDB, subject to their approval.

– Some other terms used are known as part-sale or part purchase too. Which will require buying out the share portion and doing a new bank loan. Other considerations such as CPF outlay used and accrued interest if any.

– I would suggest having workout the sums carefully for the Decoupling method. It may not be suitable for all couples, and it comes to some risk factors involved. Decoupling will incur higher legal costs due to the complexity.  

– Couples can also buy a condo under tenants-in-common. This method allows you to split property ownership so that both incomes can support the home loan application, and both parties’ CPF Ordinary Account funds can be used for the down payment and ongoing mortgage instalments. 

However, the Pre-Requisition is :

– You must have sufficient cash/CPF to return the exiting party’s CPF used plus accrued interest (Unless you have obtained a written reply by CPF that allows a waiver of this refund.)

– You must also have sufficient income to take over the full loan single-handedly.

     Buying Under a Property Trust for children below 21 years old

– Buying Under Trust is just like buying a Legacy for your descendants. Some call this method for the cash-rich as No housing loan, or CPF usage is allowed. 

– You can set up a property trust for your child below 21 years old and buy a property under it with you as the Trustee. Legally speaking, the property you purchase is not “yours”; it belongs to the beneficiary (your child). This means you are not legally the property owner; it does not add to your property count. 

If you were to buy a second home with this method, you wouldn’t be subject to ABSD. You need to be prepared to part away from the money for the future planning for your child and any actions you act for such for the interest of your child and not for your own benefit. 

– A trustee takes legal ownership of the assets held by a trust and assumes fiduciary responsibility for managing those assets and carrying out the purposes of the Trust. 

– The Trustee should make a habit of keeping all the receipts and records of the payments they make. A trustee should know that all the income coming from the property, whether it be rents or any sales, are the property of the beneficiary. A trust account should be opened in a reputed bank so that all the transactions can be easily made, monitored, and checked by the Trustee. However, bear in mind that the final accounts belong to your child but not you.

You might wonder when does the Trust end?

– The Trust ends when the child is of the legal age, i.e., 21 years old. 

– Once, the Trust ends, the child is now the complete owner of the property, including all of its taxes and mortgages. Of course, once reach the legal age, the child has the right to sell the property and decide on his own. Do not need to seek any approval, full ownership. 

– The actual owner of the property is the beneficiary and not the Trustee. So, using the trust method, you can buy property for anyone as young as a toddler or right after the baby is born at birth.

– Another advantage of a trust is that since the courts regards the child as the beneficiary, if the parents or Trustee should become bankrupt many years after the Trust is created, the child’s ownership is safe from the parents’ creditors. The parents would not be able to act as trustees but some other relative could step it. 

– Note that under the Bankruptcy Act, any gifts within 5 years of a person becoming bankrupt might be cancelled by the relevant bankruptcy official (usually the Official Assignee).

    Buying a property in the name of someone that you can entrust with. (Such as your Family or Relative that is already in the workforce.)

– Relative or family members may have a good stable income but may not be willing to part with the vast 25% down payment or stamp duty. So that’s when you strike an agreement to buy a condo in their name in the title deed, whereby you can be contributing to the cash part for the down payment and monthly repayment. 

– Only applicable for first-time home Singaporean home buyers, with NO ABSD.

But there are some other Considerations you might be aware of : 

If your relative is planning to get married and buy a condo as their Matrimonial home, it may affect their family planning in the future.  

– If your relative is planning to buy a Build to Order (BTO) flat or Executive Condominium, they would have to dispose of the private property at least 30 months before their application, so advanced planning is required.

– In Trust, your child is the legal owner of the property; they can sell it, use it as collateral for a loan, call the shots on who stays in it, etc. Some real-life cases can result in ugly family disputes or even escalate to court cases.

So, which method works best for you? There isn’t a single best method, and it depends on your financial situation and risk appetite in life. Advanced structuring strategies consist of layering methods in different orders to help investors own more properties, obtain higher financing, and save on tax and expenses.

 However, it is a more in-depth analysis and customized plan for different needs that we may not be able to explain through article or video.

If you do need advice on such matters, feel free to contact us right now to get a free consultation call.

We make buying and selling a property in Singapore easy and seamless.

Also read up on ABSD refund and subscribe to our YouTube Channel: 

Also can subscribe to our Youtube Channel:


The post 4 Methods to Avoid Paying ABSD when Buying Condo in Singapore appeared first on Wing Tai Holdings Singapore.

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